In some exhibition occasions, it is possible to present alongside the works, a performative moment that involves the public in a better understanding of the generative principles behind the artistic operation.
What comes out is a performance that takes the form of a challenge between two volunteers from the public, who will be invited to enter the formal universe of the dioramas, through some regulated actions. Thanks to that, their Eyes will identify paths, relationships, and connections among the elements forms and their hands will test weights and measures.
By this way, the two contenders (but also the bystanders in the role of a jury) will penetrate a new scale of exploration and will be invited to meditate on the minimal figures that make up the works’ world. Through alternating moves that will form a composition, the two opponents will try to impress their signature on the well-circumscribed space; the jurors, invited to express themselves on the matter, will decide which of the two players will end up prevailing. Everything under the artist guide and supervision. What will come out of it, won’t be a work, but a game leading to a greater understanding that will lack the essential elements of the work of art. Through the playful appearance of performance – with just the simple formal aspect of creative work – what will emerge it’ll be the premise for a different mode of fruition.


How to play Diorama


– an empty board (the usual one with frame);
– lots of miniature animals;
– various peculiar elements laid out along the sides of the empty board (an element may refer both to a single object or a group of identical objects).


Number of players:
Two players plus an audience of one or more, serving as a jury.


First of all, each of the two participants chooses his/her own animal. The two animals are then shown to the jury, yet without any indication of the specific choice made by the players. Then from the array of elements, a certain number are chosen (let’s say eight). An area of the board, given over to the animal, is covered over or marked as out of bounds. Over the various matches, the position of this area changes each time, so as to further ensure the variability of the game board.


The two players take turns, placing one element each on the table; the elements may be positioned anywhere except in the areas given over to the animals, which remains empty. The aim of each player is, over successive moves, to create the best ‘aesthetic atmosphere’ for their chosen animal.
Once the players have finished positioning all the elements (eight, as hypothesised), the jury decides on a majority basis which of the two animals, positioned in each of the areas left empty, best completes the diorama. This decision determines the victory of the player who had initially chosen the animal.


Each of the two players must ensure the diorama is completed appropriately with the animal chosen by him/her.


Strategic Suggestions: 
In order for the match to be played out successfully, the placements ought to be distributed and not too concentrated around one’s own moves, so as to invoke an aesthetic comparison which is also a genuine dialogue on different forms.


Age Range: 
10-110 years old.


15-20 minutes.